Mmm Burgers!

So this goes to show how picky/lazy/forgetful I am.

I've had a pack of burgers sitting in the freezer for God knows how long and the reason I haven't made any is because I didn't have any cheese slices. The reason I didn't have any cheese slices is because I never buy them from the store. And finally, the reason I don't buy cheese slices from the store is because I forget to pick them up. Every. Single. Time. Let's all say it together collectively..


Ok, now that that's out of the way lets get to what you really want to know about. And that my friends, is buns. You read correctly..Buns. And not just any buns, Nature's Own Golden Sesame Buns. I got a lovely coupon from the always awesome to try any Nature's Own product for free. So I picked buns and didn't forget the cheese!!
It came with 6 buns that looked really fresh and not squished. 
(which is always a plus)

So I decided to make the messiest burger ever..A jalapeno bbq bacon cheese burger. This is a "once a year" type of burger that will no doubt go straight to my hips. I was so excited to try these buns because they look restaurant quality and smell really good. 

I think the best part about these buns is that even though they may not look thick, they have amazing hold! What I mean is that my burger was literally drenched in BBQ sauce and this bun did not soak through and break apart. I let the burger sit for a while just to see too, because you know, I have random staring contests with burgers.

It stayed together and seriously tasted awesome. Can't wait til next year to have another!